Why I (LPN) Don’t want to be a Registered Nurse (RN)

Reason #1 – I’ve worked everywhere that I’ve wanted to work

As an LPN, I’ve worked everywhere that I’ve wanted to work, the only two places that I haven’t worked are the hospital and corrections. Becoming A Registered Nurse (RN) wouldn’t open that many places to work except the hospital. I have no desire to work in the hospital, I know many nurses that do, they hate working there. Corrections I hear are interesting, I might investigate it in the future.

As nurses, we tend to fall into the trap of seeking more, a lot of people place pressure on us. When you get your LPN, the next question people ask is when are you going to get your RN? Once you get your RN, the next question is when are you going to get your BSN? Once you get your BSN, the next question people ask you is when to get your masters? Once you get masters, the next question people ask is when are you going to get your nurse practitioner? It’s a never-ending cycle where your current position is never enough.

Reason #2 – I don’t want the added responsibilities of being a Registered Nurse (RN)

I’ve seen the kind of stress the nurses at the hospital and even the ones at my current job. I don’t want the added stress of paperwork and supervising other nurses. I’m perfectly just coming in and just doing my job. I like to be able to go to my RN supervisor for help. Once you become an RN, you don’t have that kind of support, you’re expected to know everything.

Reason #3 – I’m content with my income as an LPN

I’ve made as much as 32 dollars an hour as an LPN in the state of Florida, and I’m content with that kind of income. I’m a minimalist, I don’t need a lot to live on, I’m not married, nor do I have any kids. I’m able to sustain myself perfectly on that income.