How Much money Do LPN make in Florida? | LPN Pay in Florida | LPN Salary Florida

Hello I’m Alpha Nurse Guide, I’ve been a licensed practical nurse since October 2016, today I’m going over all the jobs that I’ve had and what I got paid in each of them. This is LPN pay in south Florida, this video is not reflective of everywhere in the United States.

Job #1 – Long term Facility Nurse

At my first job as an LPN, the pay was 16.25 dollars per hour for a night shift position at a long term facility, this is terrible pay even by Florida standards, but I didn’t know any better at the time. One of things nursing school should do is to teach nurses how to negotiate salary. I did eventually get a raise to 18.25 dollars per hour, which is slightly better.

Job #2 -Flu Shot Clinic Nurse

My second job as an LPN was a mobile job where we would go from school to school giving flu shots. This was a seasonal job from October through December. The pay was 17 dollars per hour for my first year, but I did get a raise to 18 dollars per hour the following year.

Job #3 – Home Health Visit Nurse

My third job as an LPN was at a home health agency where I would go from houses doing skilled nursing visits. The Pay was 20 dollar per visits with no mileage reimbursement

Job # 4 – Methadone Clinic Nurse

My fourth Job as an LPN was at a methadone Clinic, where patients would come and get their dose of methadone and leave. The starting pay was 22.45 dollars per hour , I did get a raise to 22.70 dollars per hour a year later.

Job # 5 – School Nurse

My fifth job as an LPN is a school nurse. I get paid 19 dollars per hour by one agency and 2o dollars per hour by another agency.

Job # 6 – Testing and V-ccine Nurse

This is a job where I did testing and v-ccines for you know what. The starting pay was 23 dollars per hour, but I did get a raise to 32 dollars per hour.

Job # 7 – Home Health Visit Nurse

My seventh job as an LPN was at a home health agency where I would go from houses to houses doing skilled nursing visits. The pay is 30 dollars per visit with mileage reimbursement.